4th ANNUAL MT. BAKER CAR & MOTORCYCLE SHOW & ROD RUN Maple Falls, WA August 31, 2013
4th Annual Mt. Baker / Maple Falls Labor Day Car Show & Rod Run Downtown Maple Falls. Saturday-August 31st 2013. 10:00am to 4:00pm (or later). Show n' Shine w/trophies, Poker Walk, Live Music, Raffles, Local Food Vendors, Rod Run to Artist's Point (immediately following the awards presentation). $10.00 pre-registration discount Entry Fee for participants. Application available below or $12.00 at the door. Dash plaque for 1st 100 registrants. Spectators are free. All proceeds benefit the Mt. Baker Lion's Club. Contact Mt. Baker Lodging at: 1-800-709-7669 or [email protected] for additional information.